3S Group
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3S Group

Corporate Website

Visit Website


  • Silver in Construction

    Rating Runeta

  • Silver in Construction

    Golden Site

3S Group develops large residential projects in Moscow. The company approached us to design a website that would help convey its mission and forge trusting long-term relationships with potential and existing clients. The website we developed does just that — it showcases the company’s values and strategy in a creative and unique way, successfully positioning 3S Group as a savvy and caring developer with a broad and far-reaching strategic outlook.

The website design is based on just three main elements: the actual message as a rational element, a simple wave-like graphic form, and a set of colours from the 3SG brand book. The key to creating an impression with such restrictive parameters is movement. The wave-form animation projects an especially elegant and pleasing effect due to the precise calculations and timings that lie behind it. The view changes bring an extra level of elegance, and finally the main message is carefully developed to be visually and informationally accurate and effective

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