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Corporate Website, Online Store, Self-Service

Visit Website

Bite is one of the leading mobile operators in Lithuania and Latvia. The company tasked us with improving the UX design and front-end implementation of their main websites. The re-design aimed to increase customer conversion rate for critical areas such as the web store, as well as the mobile plan selection wizard, and streamline the overall product and services presentation, staying consistent with the existing visual design.

Together with the client’s UX team we analysed the website’s user behaviour and identified the bottlenecks we needed to resolve. We developed the improved website’s UX prototype using Baymard Institute and NNGroup guidelines and recommendations for the eCommerce part of the site, and key elements such as a mega-menu, site-wide search and a few others. The improved web store allows for better navigation through product categories, faster search and easier ordering. Every element of the shopping experience was carefully considered and designed.

One of the critical areas of improvement was a complete revamp of the internet plan selection wizard. The selection involves considering various variables as a plan scope, price and extra product the customer can obtain for free or with a discount. We proposed an original and custom interface that allows visitors to navigate the different options with ease, and without having to spend much effort on deciding what option suits you best. The plan selection wizard works elegantly both on desktop computers and mobile devices.

The voice plan selection wizard allows for the fast and easy plan comparison by quick observation of the plans’ main differences. The new UI makes selecting extra features VIP phone numbers easy.

The redesigned cart and order placement makes it easy to buy and configure various product and service options that usually come in packages and require some consideration from the client. The new mega-menu facilities fast and intuitive navigation over vast amount of product and services on the website.

NetPro International LLC helped us significantly improve UX design of some of the key elements of our e-store and product selectors as well as arrive to a much better visual outlook of the website. I liked that the design they offered was backed by serious research and

Renārs Neimanis Renārs Neimanis Head of E-Channel Development, Bite

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